The Mad House!

Some say that the parents’ home is the best… I think that it is more of an overstatement…Those who say that do not live with their parents… Obviously…I do…And I can tell you they are the worse, maybe more like your enemies…And I will tell you why… My parents fight like cats and dogs every single day…I swear, you just want to bang your head against the wall when they start at it…Even hubby says that this home is like a ‘pagal khana’, translated to a ‘mad house’, and he is probably right… I know I am supposed to respect them for being my elders but is not respect kind of a mutual thing?! And I am not saying that they need to fall on my feet or something for sorting things for them like how to restore the WhatsApp, or how to check the email or how to search for something on the internet or typing letters amongst others but I am talking about being disrespectful when I am snoozing by keeping the voice or the YouTube down…Or barging into my room to ask if I am sleepi...