
Showing posts from August, 2020

Les vrais hommes sont des féministes

Due to popular demand from women mostly, who can relate to my last blog, I have decided to translate it to French, as per some suggestions, so that the message can be transmitted to a bigger audience…I am grateful to hear from so many feminists; men and women across the globe who have come forth both publicly and privately to share some of their experiences and I hope to hear more…   Here you go:   Les vrais hommes sont des féministes…   Pour ceux qui me connaissent, vous savez que je trouve les gens très fascinants… Je peux m’asseoir pendant des heures à observer les gens… J’aime aussi parler aux gens, entendre ce qu’ils ont à dire et partager ce que j’ai en tête, même si peu d’entre eux écoutent ce que j’ai à dire… Peut-être parce que je suis trop perfectionniste, dans mes pensées surtout… J’ai tellement entendu ma mère me dire : «Ne dis pas aux gens que tu es ma fille!» car je peux facilement sortir avec mes vêtements non repassés et mes cheveux gras, sans guère m...

Real Men

For those who know me, you know that I find people very fascinating…I can sit for hours gazing at people…I also love talking to people, to hear what they have to say and to share what I have in mind, though not many do listen to what I have to say…Maybe because I am too much a perfectionist, in my thoughts mostly…I have so often heard my mum say to me “Do not tell people that you are my daughter!” as I can easily go out with my creasy clothes and my oily hair, without the slightest care in the world…So as I said, perfectionist in my thoughts, predominantly…And these thoughts make me think more than requisite in most instances...   Many a time, I have heard men say: ‘I am a real man” Are you?! First of all, who says that? And what are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove you are better off than other men? Are you an avatar of God?!   Even Rama, the 7 th incarnation of God; depicted as the ‘perfect man’ had failed in one way or the other… For those who do not know the wh...